
Welcome to the KidsROCK Academy blog. This is a place of encouragement and inspiration. I am not an expert in all things, so I am eager to hear from those with different perspectives. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment lines.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Time to be me

I was listening to a friend today talking about how great it has been since she has been going regularly to the gym.  It was evident the benefits went beyond physical health or even the satisfaction over her accomplishments.  She was getting something special from just having that time to be herself.  Another friend shared that she bumped up bed time for her kids so that they go read quietly and she gets a breath to herself.

I have heard it said (and preached) that this ‘time to myself’ was wrong.  Selfish.  I can see some merit to the idea that we need to give ourselves, our time, in service to the Lord.  But I must remember that even Jesus went off alone to pray. 

I think there is something good and right about quiet time, especially when the job in question is not one with a time card to punch.  Some call it ‘me time,’ some say they need to unwind.  Others need to recharge. 

So, do what do you do to keep yourself fresh? 

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