
Welcome to the KidsROCK Academy blog. This is a place of encouragement and inspiration. I am not an expert in all things, so I am eager to hear from those with different perspectives. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment lines.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

New Season, New Calendar

Here comes September!  It is going to be a crazy fun month, I think.  Personally, I am really excited about going on vacation with my family.  We are going to check out the Redwoods for the first time.

The new season is bringing all sorts of terrific activities.  KidsROCK has some very neat ones planned.  You can always go to our website to see our calendar.  At the bottom of the introductory paragraph is a link to a printable calendar.  You can also look specifically at our tours, classes and events

petroglyph_t3123Let me share with you some of the fun opportunities available just this month.  On September 2, we are going to visit some petroglyphs as part of the California History series.  You do not need to be enrolled in that class to participate and the tour is free.  Wear good hiking clothes and shoes, and be ready to get dirty!  This will be a fun one!

On the 13th, we have a busy KidsROCK day!  First up is the kickoff to Get Fit!  This will be a six week class meeting Mondays from 11:30-12:30.  Come out to to the college track to play games and get fit!

We are also going to check out the horses through the BLM.  This will likely be another dusty tour, so dress appropriately.  The tour is free, and you have any questions you can email our tour coordinators.  They can contact our guides before the tour to make special requests to cover certain topics.  Talk about tailor made!

colored by God handsAnd to bring the 13th to a close, gather with other homeschoolers for the Round Table Discussion.  This is such a great time to pool our knowledge and experience.  We will be discussing responsibility and how to foster that trait in our children.

Next up is a tour to the Susanville Museum on the 16th.  This tour is also in conjunction with our California History class.  It is free and you do not need to be enrolled to take part.

Finally, if you are enrolled in Club PALS, your mandatory Session Training is happening at the end of the month.  Members meeting on Friday mornings will have training on the 24th.  Friday afternoon people will train the week before on the 17th and the Monday morning group will meet on the 27th.  Questions can be emailed to clubpals@kidsrockacademy.net.

Club Pals

Lots of fun, great people, learning opportunities….What more could you ask for?  Our deadline for registration is the first, so mark your calendar and join us!

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