
Welcome to the KidsROCK Academy blog. This is a place of encouragement and inspiration. I am not an expert in all things, so I am eager to hear from those with different perspectives. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment lines.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Planning a Vacation

We are going on vacation—and boy, am I looking forward to it!  Even so, I seem stalled in planning the details.  We are going someplace entirely new to us.  I am so visual, that not being able to picture things is really hampering me.free cool blue world map

As the day for our departure nears, I fear we will end up doing nothing!

Isn’t that the way?  Or is it just me?  Do big dreams without the details leave you frozen?  I find I do this with school, Bible studies, local recreation, you name it.  I want to do so much and the volume of it all overwhelms me.  I end up just kicking myself for doing nothing at all.

I think my kids suffer from the same problem.  Have you ever watched your kids try to clean a destroyed room?  Or tackle a full math page?  Or a blindingly empty writing page?  My son likes to write books.  Some he has completed, but he has many undone.  There is a whole list of scenarios unexplored; I think it is because there is a whole list of scenarios unexplored!

It seems the endless opportunities that limit action.  What can I do to save my kids from becoming petrified people, frozen b y choices?  I think the key is to limit distraction and teach that baby steps actually do get us somewhere.

I guess I could also serve as a better role model!  So I am off to put together a bit of a plan.  Any suggestions for visiting the North California and South Oregon coasts?

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