
Welcome to the KidsROCK Academy blog. This is a place of encouragement and inspiration. I am not an expert in all things, so I am eager to hear from those with different perspectives. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment lines.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I Just Love It!

I really am passionate about homeschooling.  Crazy passionate.   I spend a lot of time emphasizing that homeschooling isn't for everyone, or for every season of any one family's life.  I also firmly believe that within homeschooling, there are as many methods, styles, reasons, goals and budgets to homeschooling that trying to speak comprehensively about the ways and means of homeschooling is impossible.

In all my allowances, sometimes I forget just how much I love it!  But on occasion, I am blessed with someone curious and full of questions and I get to gush! A-hem, but with dignity and reserve, of course. 

The freedom of homeschooling is intoxicating to me.  I love how we are all able to meet our children in their needs to be challenged and encouraged to the most minute degree.  Homeschooling families navigate this vast ocean of options, no one taking quite the same route.  And I consider it a privilege to witness so many families finding their way, getting comfortable tacking back and forth, finding their own wind.

Every problem is an opportunity to more intricately tailor this lifestyle to the family.  I imagine by the end of the schooling experience, each family is wearing a perfectly fit, colorful robing that reflects and glorifies their very identity.

Because of the infinite possibilities, I never tire of talking about all things homeschooling.  So if you ever want to chat, you know where to find me!

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