
Welcome to the KidsROCK Academy blog. This is a place of encouragement and inspiration. I am not an expert in all things, so I am eager to hear from those with different perspectives. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment lines.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Is Hassle- and Worry-free Schooling Possible? Part 4


It does seem that if we can keep our focus, that we absolutely can school without hassle or worry—for the most part.  We are human, after all.  While we strive for perfection, we must also afford ourselves grace for sanity’s sake, if nothing else.

So homeschool without hassle and worry!  Don’t give these attitudes a foothold in your day.  Throw out the idea that the world is full of right and wrong answers. 

Instead, praise and hug your kids for valiant tries.  Laugh with them, follow rabbit trails and get messy.  Consider letting them lead the conversations.  Explore the world around you.  Go on walks, hit the library and give the kids ample opportunities to serve.  Love the snot out of them.  Let them know they are tops!  Tell them what they are good at doing.  Tell them what makes them special. 

Read to them.  Ask them what they think will happen next or what they would have done in that situation.  Teach them to think, open their minds, leave no stone unturned.

Give them plenty to do with their hands.  Let them create, manipulate and build.  Clay, sand and play dough are important tactile experiences for growing hands.  Blocks that interlock, shaped blocks and foam blocks teach them spatial relationships.  Drawings with pencils, paint and chalk all result in a variety that stimulates their senses.  Allow ample time for these things through the week on their own, alongside you and while you read to them.

Most importantly, tell them they are fearfully and wonderfully made.  (Psalm 139:14)  Remind them they were knitted together by their Creator most perfectly.  (Job 10:10-12, Psalm 139:13)  Teach them to know His word and share His love. (Psalm 40:10, Deuteronomy 11:18)  Give them Truth that lasts for eternity and teach them to abide in it daily.

Your school days will not only be hassle- and worry-free, they will be something you all will come to anticipate.  You will be making specific memories and an entire amalgam of memories that will bless all your lives far beyond these fast flying years.

Bless and be blessed.

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