
Welcome to the KidsROCK Academy blog. This is a place of encouragement and inspiration. I am not an expert in all things, so I am eager to hear from those with different perspectives. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment lines.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Why Homeschool?

There are at least as many reasons to homeschool as there are families who consider doing it.  There are some common ones, such as providing tailored curriculum for each child by teaching to learning styles and accommodating special needs and abilities.  Another is to assure an academically competitive program. 

Some reasons have nothing to do with the standard lessons.  For example, there are families with unusual schedules, and homeschooling allows to make the most of that.  Other families have children with special interests that are time-intensive.  Homeschooling frees up the schedule so that the interest can be pursued whole-heartedly. 

There are other families who homeschool for reasons of conscience.  These parents choose to expose their children to moral, spiritual and social issues thoughtfully and on their own timetable.  Homeschooling limits ‘surprises.’

October 2010 (pumpkin and birthday) 035The list goes on and on, and few families actually homeschool for a single reason.  In fact, I have discovered from personal experience that the longer I homeschool, the more reasons there are to do so.

My latest?  I homeschool because my kids hold my hand—both literally and figuratively.  This new reason presented itself to me without any fanfare.  I brought my daughter along for errands today, and without an ounce of self-consciousness, she slipped her hand in mind on the way up the post office steps.  It was a simple, often-repeated move of which I rarely make note.

She is nine.  But no one has teased to act older than she is.  There is no stigma against affection for one’s parents in her life.  So, as nonchalantly and as naturally as can be, she happily walks down the street swinging my hand.

What a gift that is!  I am not just talking about the physical closeness I still enjoy with my girl, though that is a gift in itself.  I am talking about the openness we share in all aspect of our lives.  I know what is going on with her.  I can help her through the challenges of ‘tweendom.’ 

me and Madi at pumpkin patchBecause of our lifestyle, I am not a coach on the sidelines hoping she’ll remember to glance my way once in a while for a little direction.  I am a teammate.  I get the ball when she fumbles.  I pass her the ball when she is ready.  And I can run alongside her to the win.

Parenting rocks and homeschooling lets me do it in the best way that I can.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.

- David

KidsROCK Academy said...

thanks, David!