
Welcome to the KidsROCK Academy blog. This is a place of encouragement and inspiration. I am not an expert in all things, so I am eager to hear from those with different perspectives. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment lines.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

School Spirit

I love being on a schedule.  Well, let me rephrase to be a little more honest.  I love the results of being on a schedule.  Actually sticking to a schedule or routine is quite difficult for me.  I am woefully lazy and can let a shocking amount of time slip by while I do nothing.

But when I dedicate myself to something and we have more of a purpose to our days, the blessings just rain down.  The kids get along better, we all sleep better and the sense of accomplishment simply feels better than the alternative.

We started our new school year on Thursday—with my darling husband’s off-tilt work week that is our Monday.  Things weren’t quite right that first day.  We had to be someplace just after lunch and we got started a little later than I like.  But we made the most of it by just getting our hands on our materials and becoming familiar with our course of study this year.  I called it our orientation day and left it at that.

Yesterday, October 1, was our first ‘real’ day of school.  Oh!  Even as I write that I feel like I am betraying my own beliefs that school is everyday, every hour.  We did great learning things on our month off, but I still need the discipline of a schedule to help me expose my kids to all that I want them to see.  So, forgive my duality when I say that we did school yesterday. 

And it was great!  We started two new novels, will be praying for the 100 Gateway Cities in the 10/40 window (referring to the latitude lines above the equator that run through northern Africa, the Middle East and southern Asia where Christ’s name is not known by all), played the recorder, explored Greek root words, did a little math, practiced principles of English (this is actually the one subject area I rarely stick with through the year because I believe it happens naturally) and so much more.  We were so productive!  We mummified a peeled apple, played on the Wii together, washed the dog and fooled around with the balance scales.

Ah….I love doing school with my kiddos!  I am so grateful for our curriculum.  I guess alongside lacking personal drive to get off my derrière, I also lack creativity to plan all those wonderful conversation starters!   

Hope your school days are full of connection time for you and your kids!

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