
Welcome to the KidsROCK Academy blog. This is a place of encouragement and inspiration. I am not an expert in all things, so I am eager to hear from those with different perspectives. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment lines.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Core 5 school 028 Can you resist that??  Even our pup participated in the festivities.  We are completing a study on the Pacific Islands, and to celebrate we staged a luau!

Everyone got a new outfit—including Beagle Bailey—and we decorated the dining room with raffia, shells and starfish.  When the steel drums and ukulele were playing in the background the feast was ready.  Since I am not personally up for  burying a pig in the backyard for an all day cook, we settled for a simple glazed ham.  Everything was delicious!

Each kid gave a short report on how two different types of islands are formed, and we discussed how volcanoes erupt. 

Such a fun evening that I hope the kids will remember for a long time to come!  I know I will!


Unknown said...

Can I come live with you??? Sounds like a wonderful shared time!

KidsROCK Academy said...

LOL It was a lot of fun. I think one even like this under our belts makes the rest of the year look very exciting.

Words2Bless said...

Sounds fun. I remember when our kids were teenagers and we had a Luau in our back yard. Complete with lots of pictures. Eating on low tables with tiki torches. Great memories. Thanks for bringing those back around for me.