
Welcome to the KidsROCK Academy blog. This is a place of encouragement and inspiration. I am not an expert in all things, so I am eager to hear from those with different perspectives. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment lines.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Homeschool Foundation Ambassador

I have something rather exciting to share.  I recently became an Community Ambassador with the Homeschool Foundation, which is the charitable arm of the Home School Legal Defense Association.  Must be cool if there are that many capitals in the sentence, right?  But what does it really mean?

First of all, it means I need to get the word out.  There aren’t any other Ambassadors in this area, and I hope that will change soon.  The Homeschool Foundation’s mission is quoted below.

The Foundation’s mission is to provide assistance to homeschooling families in need, preserve parental freedoms, promote homeschooling, and support like-minded organizations.

So our goal is to find homeschool families in crisis, such as loss of a family member, loss of wages or a natural disaster that would stand in the way of homeschooling and bring relief. 

This is what makes getting the word out so very important.  I want people to know where to go when there is a family in need.  I’d like people in need and people with a heart to help to have a central place to ‘gather.’

So this is my first announcement!  I will be posting contact information here at the blog permanently as well as at the website.  If you are interested in learning more about the Homeschool Foundation, you can check out their website and you can ‘like’ them on Facebook

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