
Welcome to the KidsROCK Academy blog. This is a place of encouragement and inspiration. I am not an expert in all things, so I am eager to hear from those with different perspectives. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment lines.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Just because this doesn’t work, doesn’t mean that won’t either.

I remember when I first got caught by the teaching bug.  I kept this little book of lesson plans, subjects and activities I wanted to do with kids at different levels.  The vastness of science never ceased to inspire me.  My pen couldn’t scratch across the page quickly enough to keep up with the my thoughts pouring forth.

Now I am living the dream, baby!  But…I haven’t always been.  When I first started formally schooling my own kids with purchased curriculum, the science didn’t really ‘gel’ with me.  I thought all that excitement I once had must have been just unrealistic youth or something.  Really teaching science wasn’t as cool as thinking about teaching it.

But then I found a curriculum that resonated with me.  I have a practiced habit of interrupting my own reading to the children in order to rephrase or comment on what I’ve just read to be sure the kids are understanding.  When I read this science, I still interrupt myself, and every time I return to the book I find that I am repeating myself—often word for word—as I read the next lines.  That has never happened before, and now it happens every time I open the book! 

The excitement and inspiration are back!  We can’t wait for science now.  It is a glorious feeling. Science Oct 2010 004

This is an important lesson for me.  I have preached it before, but I still need reminding.  Homeschooling is big.  Huge.  If what you are doing isn’t working, it may not be homeschooling that is the problem.  It might be your curriculum, the teaching philosophy or not communicating within your child’s learning style. 

Writing on failure and science begs the quote from Thomas Edison.  In my hunt online for the exact words, I found this site full of quotes regarding failure.  It seems one would be keeping good company if one embraced failure as a dear teacher. 

I have not failed.  I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.  ~Thomas Edison

So if the going gets tough, and you still remember why you chose to homeschool, don’t give up.  Keep looking.  There is so much out there.  You aren’t alone!


Unknown said...

I will second this. I am so excited to have found your blog!! (Thanks Diane)I have been reading your archives.
Love and miss ya!
BTW the kids are so good looking and big...

KidsROCK Academy said...

Thanks, Paula! The kids ARE getting big, huh? I hope you are doing well. I will never forget how you listened and encouraged me when I was just beginning with homeschooling and KidsROCK. :)