
Welcome to the KidsROCK Academy blog. This is a place of encouragement and inspiration. I am not an expert in all things, so I am eager to hear from those with different perspectives. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment lines.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Well, What Do You Know?

I guess they are learning, after all.  Last night we were getting our first couple of meals prepped for our big cook today.  The kids were in aprons and chef hats and were proud to call themselves chefs. 

We made ready the fixings for French bread pizza.  They had already poured sauce, grated cheese and I was wrapping the bread.  I had the kids using our little food scale to measure out three ounces of pepperoni to put into bags. 

Some of you may already know my little princess girl has grappled with all forms of dyslexia.  That is not the proper terminology, but suffice it to say that she struggles greatly with letters, numbers, notes and the like.

She has been a trouper, though, working through tears to achieve great strides in reading, math and music making.  I am proud of her, but have also grown accustomed to her limitations. 

Imagine how very thrilled I was when she worked out on her own that if one pepperoni was one tenth of an ounce, she would need thirty per bag to make the 3 ounce target!  Words cannot describe.  It was so natural, so organic that anyone who did not know her history would have thought nothing of it.

What an honor it is to school this angel girl.  I have been privy to every failure, every fight, every setback.  I have ached for her and been frustrated with her.  Then I get to be equally intimate with these moments of triumph, made so much richer because of the rough waters we traveled together to find the shore.

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