
Welcome to the KidsROCK Academy blog. This is a place of encouragement and inspiration. I am not an expert in all things, so I am eager to hear from those with different perspectives. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment lines.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Whew! I am back!

I had not intended to take nearly a month off from blogging, but that is certainly what happened!  How does time fly so swiftly?  I surely do not know. 

My husband was on vacation for the majority of the time, and I enjoyed traveling to see family.  But I have been home for weeks, and still could not get myself to get back to regular posting.  I actually make myself weary when I consider my own deplorable state of self-discipline, so I choose to not dwell.

The one thing I can say in my own defense, and with some excitement, is that I have been meeting with wonderful minds and writing the next session of Club PALS!  What an exciting gift it is to research and write lessons in so many different subjects, gain further skills in various computer programs and work with wonderful people who support and encourage so selflessly.

Now that we are nearly done with the last phase of editing, and most of the supplies shopping is under way, I get to exist in this state of anticipation.  I love praying over the coming session, for the families registered to be involved and for my own home as part of my personal ready-making process.  There are stages in developing Club PALS that range from frantic to mind-numbingly boring.  But this stage is special.  Praying so specifically helps calm and refocus me away from ‘program’ details to the far more important elements of humanity and relationship.  Very fun!

If you are participating in Club PALS, may the Lord bless you with health and peace.  If you are not joining us this time around, I pray blessings on you and your family as well!

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