
Welcome to the KidsROCK Academy blog. This is a place of encouragement and inspiration. I am not an expert in all things, so I am eager to hear from those with different perspectives. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment lines.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Happy Birthday, my little girl!

My girl is nine today!  By baby is nine today.  Last single digit year!  Whew!  That is something, isn’t it?

It is because of her arrival that I began schooling my son.  He was only two-and-a-half, but I wanted him to have guaranteed time with me each day.  We did Bible, crafts, games and stories. 

My girl began our school career.  She’s been exposed to these things for as long as she can remember.  Now we are at our mid-way point.  It is easy to wonder if I have done enough; have I missed something essential?  How many opportunities have passed by unheeded? 

Oh, and then I can make an art of future-dreaming!  Will she go to college close by, or travel away?  Will she pursue a career, or follow in my footsteps?  Which is best?  One reason I homeschool is to provide a superior academic experience for my kids.  Would becoming a mom waste that?  Am I a waste?

Isn’t it funny how birthdays play tricks with time?  I stretch back nine years while reaching forward even further!  It takes will power to calm myself and stay in the here and now.  I force myself to remember Matthew 6:27 and Matthew 6:34.  The truth is, getting lost in the past or future works something like a self-fulfilling prophesy.  If you worry about missing something, you’ve already missed the present.

I am eager to see who she becomes as she develops from girl to woman.  She has such big dreams and a tender heart.  I am privileged to witness the lives of these two special kids.

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