
Welcome to the KidsROCK Academy blog. This is a place of encouragement and inspiration. I am not an expert in all things, so I am eager to hear from those with different perspectives. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment lines.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fun Class

Cheryl's houseWe had such fun at our last Club PALS.  For PE we played a more interactive version of hot potato.   The kids passed around a bag full of clothes as the music played.  When the music stopped, the player holding the bag had to blindly pull out and don the random article of clothing.Club PALS, pumpkins and a birthday party 065

The game brought tons of silliness and giggles.  The kids in my house wanted to add to the bag to prolong the game, and when it ended, they wanted another round.

In addition to the fun game, we also painted hippo banks, tested the effects of varied surfaces of friction and made up words with our own definitions. 

I am just eating up this session of Club PALS!  Club PALS, pumpkins and a birthday party 052


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