I think that the drama class was so fun, the taxi game was really fun for me, and I also really liked gibberish speaking president. I liked the fact that I could do acting without the Best of Broadway. I’d also like to give a special thanks to Mrs. Hitchcock for not only being the teacher, but also having that good western accent. Alec, age 11
Why I Started Homeschooling
Drama Class was very, very fun. My favorite thing was acting. I liked how we would drive in a taxi. I loved how a person would be a president and I loved how I would be the interpreter. The interpreter is the best thing ever! I hope next time we are going to play the exact same games. I’m glad it is at our friends’ house, because they live close to us. I like it how other kids are there. And I like it how my siblings are there. I love Mrs. Hitchcock! –Kaylee, age 8.
I liked the games. I really mostly loved the president game. –Kieran, age 6
Why I Started Homeschooling
By Carla Dollar |
KR NOTE: We support each family's personal choice in how they educate their child(ren), whether home, private, public or other. |
Before we had children, homeschooling was not in my vocabulary. I had friends who had 'been there, done that," but I had no real examples of what homeschooling was like. My intent was to be a working mom with children in the best local private school. Homeschooling did not interest me. That was before talk radio! Just a few weeks after my first child was born and after listening to talk radio, I decided I needed to “be my kids’ mom.” That was one of Dr. Laura’s famous lines on her show and it helped me to decide to stay home full time with my children. A few months later, I innocently listened to a talk radio program about homeschooling. My attention was caught as one mom shared her heart about why she homeschooled. She quoted a promise from the Bible, "Train up a child in the way that he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from your ways." (Proverbs 22:6.) She shared that, for her family, she couldn't figure out how to 'train up' her children if they were gone for 6-8 hours a day. In that moment I knew homeschooling was for me! It made so much sense! I couldn't imagine how I would be effective in parenting if I didn't spend enough time with my children. Other folks are better time-managers, but I knew I wasn't and I had to make the most of the time God had given me with my children. That night I asked my husband, "Have you ever thought about homeschooling?" He didn't hesitate; he replied, "I have been praying that you would." Well, blow me down! I had no idea this was his desire. I was thrilled and scared. I knew to count it as a blessing to have a husband who was in agreement, but being sole educator for my kids was a bit nerve-wracking. I needed to do some serious homework. So I quickly surrounded myself with friends who were either planning to or already homeschooling. I read books, researched curriculum and interviewed families. Finally, and with much prayer, together we decided homeschooling would be the lifestyle for us. When my firstborn was only 6 months old, we decided to be a homeschooling family. Thank you, Talk Radio! It seemed obvious to me during those pre-school years that homeschool was right (for our clan). I started to list our reasons to homeschool. Control over curriculum choice, teaching to my child’s ability and learning style, emphasizing the importance of family unity and having influence over their faith development were some of the ones at the top of our list. Was it easy after that? No. We had unsupportive friends and family. Our family size and dynamics changed. Jobs changed and we made a big move. I was lonely and lacked confidence. It was scary. But we survived and 10 years after making that important decision, I am so thankful we did! How is it that I still homeschool? Do I still homeschool for the same reasons? Will I homeschool in the future? Well, now, those are stories for another day! What is your story? Why did you start homeschooling? Or why are you considering homeschool? Email me to share your story! carla@kidsrockacademy.net |
Carla Dollar is KidsROCK's Vice President and newsletter chief. She has been a member since 2005. She is mom to 4 kids, all have been homeschooled their entire lives. She can be contacted at carla@kidsrockacademy.net or via our website. |