Every quarter we announce the coming season's planned activities. Our activities include elective classes like Art History and Geography lap-booking. We have tours and field trips to local businesses and community service sites as well as some destinations further from home. Events is our broadest category of activities. They include Round Table Discussions, book clubs and park days.
In addition to our activities we also offer support through community. We are on Facebook and have a Yahoo group so that our members can keep in touch through the week. We are developing a cache of helpful articles, podcasts and blog posts to give you encouragement and information from those who are in the know about all things homeschooling.
Consulting is also available at several levels of assistance. You may need a good push just to get you started in the right direction. Or you may be looking for a friend to see you through your whole year! We offer both, and everything in between.
And finally, we offer chapter planting. If KidsROCK is not available in your community, we will help you start a homeschool support and enrichment group! We continue to expand our services and communications, so check back to see what is new!