
Welcome to the KidsROCK Academy blog. This is a place of encouragement and inspiration. I am not an expert in all things, so I am eager to hear from those with different perspectives. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment lines.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


As a kid, I don’t think the Christmas season came before Thanksgiving.  Black Friday seemed to start the season—as far as I can remember.  As I grew, Christmas decorations began going up in stores before Thanksgiving and people began grumbling about the commercialism—though I admit my age and growing awareness of the larger world could play a part in how I remember things.

I do remember a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon that came out on November 1.  Calvin finished counting his Halloween Candy and was bored, so he said he would go check out the Christmas decorations in the shop windows.

As a young mom, I resisted the early coming of Christmas, in an attempt to stave off the commercialism.  I discovered, however, that, after several years of this, that Christmas creeped up on me and was over before I knew it.  I felt robbed; I’d missed Christmas.

So, now I embrace the season.  You want to start it early?  Bring it on!  Stories, movies, music, mistletoe!  I’m ready.  I want it.  My attitude has changed completely and I love it.

What I hadn’t realized was that it is contagious.  Want to know what is on the TV as I type?  The Santa Clause 2!  The Santa Clause (1) was on last night.  We certainly prefer the Truth of Christmas, and focus primarily on that, but this series of movies is a favorite for us.

Having it on in the background of my day is having a terrific affect on me.  I am smiling for no reason.  :)  I am making plans, enjoying memories and praying thanksgivings.

Christmas in October?  Sure, why not?

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