We have just four activities planned for November and the first of the month is our registrations deadline. Please check out the website for all the information. I will give a brief summary of our plans here.
First up is our Quarterly Meeting—so important that is deserves its own post! Attendance to our QMs is required to maintain membership. This one, in particular, is important because we will be announcing and explaining some big and needed changes going into effect.
If you are a member and cannot attend, you need to contact us before the meeting. If you are not a member, this is the perfect activity to attend to get an idea of what KidsROCK Academy is all about.
We will be going over business the first hour and then having an open discussion the second hour about how to balance our schooling with the rest of life. Child care is provided for free by KidsROCK members. There is a $3 request to help cover the cost of the building. Consider bringing a little extra cash to partake of the rummage sale for school supplies.
The Quarterly Meeting is on Monday, November 8 from 3:30 to 5:30 at the Seventh Day Adventist Building on the corner of 5th and Cedar in Susanville.
Next comes the Veteran’s Parade! I am so excited about this. KidsROCK Academy has gone to watch the parade as a group in the past, but this is the first year in which we will actually be in the parade! That takes place on November 11, of course. If you want to participate, register as though it were for any other event, and the coordinator of the parade will contact you with further details. Of course, if you want to support KidsROCK by attending the parade as a spectator, no registration is required, and we would be blessed by the support!!
On November 15, we will be taking a town tour to the Frontier Communications Building to learn a little about the company and its work.
Finally, on Friday November 26 we are meeting at the college track for our second annual Turkey Trot! Bring the family to meet up with fellow KidsROCKers to get your body moving after the big Thanksgiving meal. Reconnect with others after the holiday, let the kids play while we tackle our goal of 12 laps round the loop!
Feel free to contact us about any questions!