
Welcome to the KidsROCK Academy blog. This is a place of encouragement and inspiration. I am not an expert in all things, so I am eager to hear from those with different perspectives. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment lines.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Share a Smile Day

00433817This sounds so trite, but I know that there have been serious studies done on the benefits of smiling and laughter.  It really makes a difference, for both the giver and receiver of the smile.

00433820It is easy, when moving through the day, to get focused on accomplishing tasks.  Get the laundry in the washer, start the dish washer, run to the post office, drop off overdue library books, switch the clothes to the dryer, read to the kids, gas up the car, empty the dishwasher, run the kids to whatever extra-curricular activity is today, empty the dishwasher, make a meal, fold the clothes….

00434743You get the idea—what am I saying?  You LIVE the life!  Sometimes it gets mind-numbingly dull.  Other times it is truly overwhelming.  Whatever end of the spectrum, it is easy to forget the people involved in the day.  It is easy to lose eye-contact and that ever-important smile.

don't forgetIt is such a simple thing to do.  It relieves stress, reminds you why you do what you do and can give some much needed encouragement to someone else.  You never know who is also trudging through the day, burdened by worries.  Your smile can make a difference! 

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