
Welcome to the KidsROCK Academy blog. This is a place of encouragement and inspiration. I am not an expert in all things, so I am eager to hear from those with different perspectives. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment lines.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Attitude is all important, would you agree?  I stress this with my kids, because I so adamantly believe it.     Something horrible can be made tolerable with a good attitude, and something unpleasant can be quite enjoyable.  Conversely, a fun activity can become unbearably miserable with a bad attitude. Attitude is a game-changers.

Lately mine hasn’t been so hot.  But it is sneaky.  I think all is well, but then I find myself getting frustrated with something that wouldn’t normally be a blip on my radar.

I always tell my kids that what is truly in us is most visible when we get ‘bumped’ because we ‘spill.’  So, I have some attitude problem that spills onto any nearby victim each time I am ever-so-slightly bumped.

Whew!  That is shaming!  Sometimes I guess I just need to slow down and take an inventory.  I forget to leave things at the cross because I move by it too quickly.  I guess the attitude is a good thing…if I view it as a symptom needing examination.

So, how’s your attitude?  Not the one you put on in front of people.  Not when everything is going smoothly.  Not when you are in control.  What spills when things go wrong?  If it isn’t so great, take the time to find out why and make the change.  Those lambs under you—those most often in the spill zone—will thank you!

Thank the Lord in all things, even when the mirror is held up to show that work is needed.  Let it save you.

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