
Welcome to the KidsROCK Academy blog. This is a place of encouragement and inspiration. I am not an expert in all things, so I am eager to hear from those with different perspectives. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment lines.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sesame Street Favorites

My kids never really watched Sesame Street but we have--for the sake of, you know, posterity--shown them our favorite clips.  Many are now favorites of theirs!

I'd love to hear your favorites, too!!

Mahna Mahna (This is the Muppet Show version.)

I Don't Want to Live on the Moon  (This is with Shawn Colvin.  I don't actually know who she is, but she sings in a key I can master!)

One, Two, Two Little Girls (This is my personal all time favorite, I believe.  My kids fell in love with it when those cats tore up the doll house.)

Everybody Sleeps  (We actually like all the "Everybody..." series, but this one has a shot of a little girl zonked in the car that looked a lot like my little sister, so it always topped the list.)

Alright...your turn!


Unknown said...

I love those, too--I actually downloaded "I Don't Want to Live on the Moon" from Napster.

Here are some others...

Monster in the Mirror

Take a Breath

Honker Duckie Dinger Jamboree

This is a reaaally old one--Imagine me an alligator

I'm now wasting time looking at the "Pretty Great Performances"

OK--this is not from my childhood, but I still love it!! Cereal Girl

I MUST DO SCHOOL, but will quickly mention the Alphabet Song, but it didn't come up in my first try. :)

KidsROCK Academy said...

LOL I don't recognize all of these. I can't read "Take a Breath," without sounding like I imagine is the walrus (or whatever that animal was) singing it. :)
Thanks for sharing!

Carla said...

I like the number song. (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) and often get that stuck in my head.

I also love the one when Big Bird sings the alphabet sounded out. I believe its called the Alphabet Song.

KidsROCK Academy said...

Those are classics, Carla!