
Welcome to the KidsROCK Academy blog. This is a place of encouragement and inspiration. I am not an expert in all things, so I am eager to hear from those with different perspectives. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment lines.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Life Lessons


  • To be “Smokin’” is a good thing, unless it is with a vacuum or electric weed eater.
  • When the brownie box reads, ‘stir by hand,’ it means to stir with a spoon. 
  • Lemonade requires more ‘ade’ than lemon.
  • Ants in a heated sandwich maker will explode.
  • Chestnuts in a toaster oven will explode. 
  • Ceiling fans will not hold a person’s weight.
  • When they say they will be at your house between 7 am and 5 pm, they also mean that they could very possibly not show up at all.
  • Sometimes it is better to just throw it away than to try to salvage items caught within range of a diaper blowout.
  • No matter how right you may be, the moment you begin yelling about it you become wrong.
  • When Mom asks, “Do you wanna…,” she’s not really asking.

Have you got any great life lessons to share?



Unknown said...

LOL!! You could probably add to the list with your own experiences in resistentialism. Just how many toasters have you owned??

KidsROCK Academy said...

Toasters, blenders and mixers, oh my!! I haven't ruined one in a about a year, but I am still a little hard on mixers. lol

Katie Burns said...

Violins are as fragile as they look. That one is pretty personal though, not necessarily of "general interest".

It does seem that you have blown up a lot of stuff. Maybe you should see if you can get a position on MythBusters.

KidsROCK Academy said...

OH!! I forgot about the violin! In my defense, I think Uncle Jimmy broke it over Uncle Wade's head and snapped it in half BEFORE I had done the same to you--so it was weaker when I did it. I didn't hit you as hard as Jimmy had hit Wade. That is comforting, right??

I have blown up and otherwise ruined more kitchen appliances (and lawn equipment) than anyone I know. A distinction I rarely advertise. lol

Working on MythBusters would be SO cool, except I wouldn't want to live in SF.

KidsROCK Academy said...

Diane, I hadn't noticed the use of the word resistentialism the first time I read it. Then you used it when I blew open the mircrowave door. It occured to us again today when the camera worked fine in Brian's hands, but refused to work in mine, even with batteries fresh from the store.